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Applied Metrology USA: Precision in Contamination Control
Find how our metrology solutions in smoke studies and and contamination control can improve the calibration of your wafer inspection systems and aerosol particle counters, and how our foggers will improve your smoke studies in your semiconductor clean rooms or pharmaceutical process labs.
About Applied Metrology USA
Founded with a focus on contamination control and metrology support, the staff of Applied Metrology USA have worked directly with Engineers, Technicians and Operation Managers for many years. We provide precision-engineered Particle Size Standards and Calibration Wafer Standards with NIST Traceability of particle sizes to meet the requirements of semiconductor manufacturing and aerosol science labs. We provide entry level cleanroom foggers, as well as high volume, LN2 Foggers with direct adjustable controls or wireless control for use in large smoke studies.
Great customer service, technical knowledge of our products and how those products are used in your applications, is what we are about. When you call our company, our reply won’t be from an AI generated computer. When you email one of our staff, our reply will come from our technical knowledge and our finger tips. We listen to your technical requirements, and we match the right product to your metrology or contamination control requirements. And we answer your questions with experience. Even our young staff know that business success comes from great customer service.
Meet Our Metrology Sales Staff
John Turner has supported Semiconductor Metrology Sales and Technical Applications for a number of years and has a technical background in Semiconductor Wafer Surface Inspection and Particle Size Calibration. He discusses the actual wafer standard requirements with engineers, verifies the wafer standard specifications are correct for the fab metrology engineer in support of Semiconductor Metrology Engineers. He discusses polystyrene Calibration Wafer Standards and Silica Calibration Wafer Standards with customers on a regular basis. He also has many years experience in airflow visualization studies, supporting Pharmaceutical Managers in their USP and FDA compliance goals to conduct smoke studies and complete airflow visualization studies in ISO Suites, Barrier Isolators, Clean rooms, Glove Boxes, etc. He knows how his products support your Engineers and is able to provide technical answers due to a wealth of technical understanding in both semiconductor metrology and pharmaceutical ISO Suite requirements. Ivy Martin supports Cleanroom Fogger Sales and ensures your purchase orders are correct for the equipment and accessories you need. She tests cleanroom foggers for operational performance, and she understands what Pharmaceutical clean room managers require to complete their smoke studies. She ensures your equipment ships in a timely manner and follows up on customer questions.
We discuss the Wafer Calibration Standards and calibration specifications with semiconductor metrology engineers and the smoke study equipment requirements with pharmaceutical managers and buyers. Our highly skilled metrology staff have extensive experience in calibration of semiconductor SSIS tools and Wafer Inspection Systems. And they understand the equipment use and applications of Cleanroom Foggers in Smoke Studies. Our silica and polystyrene Particle Size Standards from 20 nanometers to 1000 microns are used around the world and are provided with NIST Traceable size certification . Our Staff have a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to excellence, ensuring that we provide the best solutions for you, our customer.

Dr. Emily Johnson
Chief Metrology Officer

Michael Smith
Senior Contamination Control Specialist

Sarah Lee
Lead Product Engineer

David Brown
Quality Assurance Manager
Our Background
At Applied Metrology USA, we focus on the metrology support of Semiconductor Fabs, Aerosol Research facilities and Pharmacuetical Process Labs. Size calibration accuracy is critical for the Metrology Engineers. Equally important is the airflow dynamics in the fabs and labs, and we support the smoke studies for those Cleanroom Engineers. Our expertise ensures precision and reliability in every solution we offer.
Silica Contamination Wafer Standards
Particle Size Standards using Polystyrene Latex Beads & Silica Microspheres
Cleanroom Foggers for Smoke Studies and Airflow Visualization Tests
Calibration Wafer Standards
What Our Clients Say
Applied Metrology’s Calibration Wafer Standards are NIST Traceable and help my staff keep our KLA-Tencor tools in size calibration. They understand the technical language of SSIS calibration and are able to easily specify what I need for our Technicians and Engineers to keep our equipment in calibration for ISO requirements. Their attention to quality and specifications is unmatched.

Brenda Leewait
QSC Manager, Metrology
The particle size accuracy and repeatability of particle sizes from Applied Metrology USA makes the calibrations of our aerosol particle counters much more consistent in our Metrology Lab. Their particle technology is superb!

Paul Jakes
Lead Science Engineer
Get in Touch
Ready to elevate your contamination control processes? Contact Applied Metrology USA today to learn more about our tailored solutions and request a quote.