Polystyrene Microsphere Beads AM4225A


Polystyrene Microspheres are NIST Traceable, particle size standards with accurate diameter, narrow size distribution to calibrate CNC and particle counters.

SKU: AM4225A Category:
Additive Contains trace amount of surfactant to inhibit agglomeration and promote particle stability.
Certifications/Compliance Each package of standards contains a Certificate of Calibration and Traceability to NIST, which includes a description of the calibration method and its uncertainty, and a table of chemical and physical properties.
Concentration SEE SPEC
Contents Polymer particles in de-ionized water
Description 3000 Series or 4000 Series of NIST Traceable particles and micro-spheres support size accuracy calibration of laser particle counters, CNC particle Counters, Wafer Inspection systems; and for use in Aerosol research.
Color White or Colorless
For Use With (Application) Narrow Size Standard Deviation Applications
Material Polystyrene
Product Type Particle Size Standards
Includes Certificate of Calibration and Traceability to NIST
Particle Density 1.05g/cm3
Volume 15 mL in De-Ionized (DI) Water
Refractive Index 3000/4000 Series 1.59 at 589nm (25 C)
Refractive Index Dry Particles 1.49 at 589nm (25 C)
Size Distribution SEE SPEC
Stability Product stable for a minimum of 24 months.
Diameter (Metric) SEE SPEC
Unit Size Each

Polystyrene Microspheres are spherical in design, highly accurate is size diameter, and are provided with a narrow size distribution, making these particle size standards extremely accurate for size response calibration of your laser particle counters, water particle counters and other metrology instruments used in your aerosol science studies. These particle size standards are packaged with 1% or less concentration of micro-spheres in 15 ml De-ionized water. Each bottle ships with a NIST-Traceable, Particle Size Certificate showing date of manufacture and size specifications with NIST Traceability to SRM Standards. Store in a cool dry, dark environment to minimize contamination issues, and these particle size standards can last more than 2 years when handle and stored properly.

Additional information

Particle Diameter Size


Typical Size Distribution

1.1% CV, s=0.27µm


≤1.0% in 15ml Bottle


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